Monday 1 December 2014

Hepburn: 25th November to the 27th November 2014

So one day during exam period Jeff came across a groupon voucher for a two night stay in the countryside. He was keen and so was I for a getaway with just us two. Not long after, he told me he booked it and I was pretty excited. He planned pretty much the whole trip like always, I didn't even do anything so I'm so thankful for his efforts and for him. Thanks Jeff <3 Anyways here's how the trip went...
Day 1:
Woke up to extreme hay fever and half packed bags at around 10. Jeff was due to pick me up at 11 so I had an hour to speed get ready and pack for the 2 night stay in Hepburn (home of spas and bathhouses). I could have finished packing the day before or woken up earlier or tell Jeff to come later (check in was at 3pm) but one thing I hate is waiting. So I purposely told Jeff to come earlier and packed in the morning so that my excitement didn't die down throughout the day. Thankfully I didn't forget anything except to take hay fever medicine in the morning but luckily I had some in my purse.
We killed some time and went to Coles to buy some last minute snacks for the trip. Ended up with a hella lot of cup noodles and realised we needed chopsticks so I bought a sushi roll. As I ordered Jeff stealthily stole 8 pairs of chopsticks lol
The whole drive only took about an hour before we reached the town of Daylesford where we bought more snacks from a cute organic fruit shop and had the most amazing brunch at a random cafe
The place we were staying was only about a 5 minute drive from Daylesford and we went to a park and chilled before we had to check in at 3.
We stayed at a place called Hepburn Springs Chalet which was $169 each for two nights using a Groupon voucher! It was very clean and retro and the people were so nice! but the walls were really thin and the bathroom and closets kind of scared me. We wouldn't stay here again but the experience was worth it!
We were too tired to do anything exciting today so we just played pool because there was a pool table in the guest lounge (i lost), watched some Running Man on Jeff's laptop (YAY running man), ate cup noodles for dinner and had a bath which was soo much more fun than expect
ed. I don't particularly like baths but this was an exception. Having a bath with another person is much more fun than on your own because you actually have someone to talk to rather than just sit there and soak in water that goes cold
Day 2:
Woke up at 9 for the complimentary breakfast which was just toast and cereal. disappointed. Got ready and headed out to drive to Ballarat as Jeff planned so we could go Go-karting, bowling and laser tag. Go-karting and laser tag, even though just the two of us was so FUN. My quickest lap in the carts was 26 seconds and jeffs was 23 :( he won bowling and laser tag as well which is so not fair. I am such a sore loser. Would defs go back to these places because cheaper prices than in melbourne and we pretty much had all three centres to ourselves!
Had Fish and chips for lunch. I got a grilled butterfish and built up my expectations but it had NOTHING on Altona fish and chips

Got back to Hepburn and went to The Blowhole which is a small water fall, it was only a 5 minute walk from where we parked but took us 20 mins to find because we stoopid. I was still out of breath. Jeff yolo-ed and scared the shit out of me when he climbed over the railings and down the massive rocks towards the waterfall. like he could have fell to his death if he misplaced his foot. I yolo-ed as well and copied him. that is the closest ive ever been to losing my life but it was so liberating! Jeff dipped his feet in the water while I filmed him.
Got back to the Chalet, showered, watched endless love and went for a late dinner at Ruben which was literally next door but we drove anyway because google maps lied to us. Jeff yolo-ed again and drank alcohol even though he was driving, 15 second drive or not.

Day 3:
We skipped breakfast because toast is not worth getting up and looking presentable for so we slept in. Checked out at 12 and went to the Hepburn spa and bathhouse which was beautiful. It was kind of like the small, indoor and modern version of Peninsula Hot Springs. We had 2 of the pools to ourselves for half the time because most people were in the Sanctuary which we didnt pay entry for. Ours was $27 each and we get 2 hours access to 2 of the pools/spa which was more than enough.
It was much relaxing compared to our action packed adventure the day before but omg I am still itchy from the chlorine they use.
After this we drove to Melton for early voting and watched hunger games (not as great as the previous films) at Woodgrove. We chilled at Woodgrove for a while with Max Brenners and shopping before Jeff dropped me off back home at around 9. Went home and ZzzzZzz

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